Business Functions Defined

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* Authenticated Partners can access content here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/cc/sso/authenticator/oauth/authorize/imcontrolpanel?redirect=main&source=mycontactcenter)

Business Functions Defined

Upon Sign in, IVR Studio detects the account feature package setting and will show/hide business functions as appropriate for that feature package assignment. The following is a list of BFs associated with the three feature package levels.

Table 1: Feature Packages



Platinum / Standard



Platinum / Standard

  • Comment

  • Entry Point

  • Hang up

  • Link In

  • Link Out

  • Back to Queue

  • Play Prompt

  • Select Language

  • Holidays

  • After Hours

  • Select Queue

  • Wait for Agent

  • Agent Availability

  • Voicemail

  • Transfer

  • Set Variable

  • Set Property

  • Conditional

  • Conditional Range

  • Speakphrase

  • Wait Time in Queue

All BFs included in Silver, plus the following:

  • Menu

  • Language Menu

  • Bulletin

  • Input Digits

  • Wait for Key

  • Key Pressed on Hold

  • Callback

  • Queue Geo Routing

  • Rules Based Routing

All BFs included in Silver & Gold , plus the following:

  • REST WS Call


Table 2 lists all the standard BF names and icons, along with their definition, use case, and when they are most commonly used.

Table 2: Standard Business Functions




Use Case

Most Commonly Used




Use Case

Most Commonly Used


  • Free form comment field.

  • Extra explanation needed for a function that cannot be described in the diagram shapes.

  • Very finite details of a desired behavior in the IVR.



  • Beginning of an IVR. The point where a phone number is dialed and callers enter the beginning of the IVR.

  • Necessary for all IVRs.

  • Published phone number for callers to use.

  • Next step after entry is usually the welcome message.



  • The end of an IVR. The connection which the caller is terminated by the IVR.

  • Necessary for all IVRs.

  • Hang ups can occur in several places in one IVR.

  • At the end of a self-serve message.

  • At the end of the callback function.



  • Call Flow continuation from another page in an IVR; this only occurs internally within the same IVR, not between different IVRs.

  • After Hours from the Main page to detailed call flow design on an After Hours page.

  • HolidaysAfter HoursNo Agents, to a queue from a menu, to the callback function.



  • Indicates the need to go to a different page in the design for detailed information about a function.

  • Main page system checks – directs user to detailed design information found on After Hours page.

  • HolidaysAfter HoursNo Agents, from a menu to a queue, from a queue to the callback function.



  • Use when a caller makes a selection to leave the queue, but you want them to return to the originating queue (not a different queue)

  • If a callback fails, the caller must be sent back to the original queue they were in.

  • Third incorrect entry for a callback.



  • Places a stand-alone (not a menu) prompt in a call flow

  • Client wants a disclaimer message spoken after the system checks and before the Main Menu.

  • Use to place the disclaimer in the flow.

  • Anywhere in the flow. Welcome prompt, disclaimer, info messages, self-serve messages, after hours message, holidays message, no agents message.



  • Indicates a caller selection within the call flow outside of a queue

  • Client wants to give a caller three options to direct their call.

  • Options can go to a queue, to an info-message, to another menu (sub, tertiary menus), transfer to another phone number, to voicemail.

  • Anywhere outside a queue in the flow. There is no limit to the menus that can be added to a call flow.



  • Indicates the Language selected.

  • All prompts are played in the selected language.

  • A company wants to offer multiple languages (e.g. French and English).

  • Generally placed immediately after the Language Menu in the call flow.



  • Menu presented to callers to select their language of choice.

  • Dictates the folders that all prompts will be housed in from this point forward.

  • Up to and including menu prompts are in the General or Any folder. Any prompts spoken after the language menu will be in English, French, or Spanish language folders.

  • Language-specific prompts will share the same ID number. For example, Main Menu (103) will be recorded in English and French.

  • A company wants to offer multiple languages (e.g. French and English).

  • Welcome Message and Language Menu will be spoken in all languages selected.

  • All prompts after the Language Menu are recorded multiple times. For example, an IVR offering both English and French, messages are recorded once in each language).

  • Generally placed immediately after Welcome Message in the call flow.



  • Emergency messages that can be turned on and off by the administrator at will.

  • Left terminal: to termination.

  • Right terminal: to voicemail

  • Bottom terminal: carry on in to the IVR after bulletin plays

  • These instructions correspond to configuration in the Admin Portal for Bulletin behavior.

  • Can be placed at the front of the IVR where all callers will hear the message, or can be placed per queue so only specific callers will hear the message.

  • Exchange server has crashed and no-one can get e-mail. Help desk is getting flooded with calls, wants to let callers know they are aware and working on resolving the problem without having to take the calls.

  • One of the bulletin prompts is recorded with an information message.

  • IVR-level bulletin is activated.

  • Help Desk still needs to get other calls so they configure the bulletin to continue in to the system after the exchange server message plays.

  • IVR-level bulletins are generally placed with the initial system checks so that any emergency bulletin will play close to the beginning of the call.

  • Queue level bulletins are generally placed after callers make a menu selection to go to a specific queue, but before they are in the queue waiting for an agent.



  • Standard system check that is triggered when a holiday is configured in the Admin Portal.

  • Client is closed for Thanksgiving.

  • In the Admin Portal the holiday "Thanksgiving" is created.

  • On the date set for Thanksgiving, instead of going to the regular call flow, at the holiday check the caller is re-directed to a holiday message.

  • Caller gets a new menu where they have the option to leave a message for non-urgent enquiries or to be directed to an after-hours service for urgent requests.

  • Holidays will generally be configured as an IVR-level system check.

  • In situations where a specific queue is open and all others are not, the holiday check would be placed before each queue.

  • This function is most often accompanied by a spoken prompt and then whatever call flow options the client requires.



  • Standard system check that is triggered when a call arrives outside of the business hours.

  • Client is closed for the day.

  • In the Admin Portal the hours have been set to open at 8 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.

  • When a call is received after-hours, instead of going to the regular call flow, at the after-hours check the caller is re-directed to an after-hours message.

  • Caller hears a message that the office is closed and given the option to leave a voicemail.

  • After Hours will generally be configured as an IVR-level system check.

  • In situations where a specific queue is open and all others are not, the after-hours check is placed before each queue.

  • This function is most often accompanied by a spoken prompt and then whatever call flow options the client requires.



  • Sends a caller to a specific queue.

  • The IVR plays a menu. The caller selects the option to go to a queue. The caller is routed to that queue.

  • This function must be placed in the call flow before sending the caller to a queue. If we do not include this function the IVR will not know what queue to send the caller to.



  • This is where users configure the in-queue mix of message and music entertainment for callers on hold.

  • This is where users prioritize calls at the time of entering the queue; call priority can take its value from the Call Priority List or from a Variable.

  • Left terminal: for the forced dequeuer behavior.

  • Right terminal: for customer-selected options (VM, callback).

  • While callers are in queue, they will hear a short music interlude, the client then wants to play a comfort message that says the usual "thank you for holding" information. More music and then hear another message with the option to callback.

  • When using variables, set priority for the call before the queue is selected, therefore once that call is waiting in queue, it will take priority over other calls in that queue.

  • A caller calls from a specific ANI or DNIS where the ANI or DNIS is recognized as a VIP client; the ANI and/or DNIS is set with a higher priority in queue with a better chance of getting answered first.

  • When using variable setting, use in conjunction with the Set Variable BF and Conditional Variable.

  • This function is used for each queue. At minimum, the queue should have looping music so a caller is not listening to dead air.

  • Customer-selected option must lead to Key Pressed On Hold BF.



  • Function that triggers caller to input digits.

  • Callbacks, the client asks callers to input their 10-digit phone numbers when callers are unable to speak to an agent.

  • A prompt is recorded with instructions to leave a phone number.

  • Caller hears a beep and inputs his 10-digit phone number

  • Preceded by a spoken prompt.

  • Followed by one of three spoken prompts: success message, failure message, and invalid entry with ability for re-entry.



  • Standard system check that is triggered when a single digit is pressed on the telephone keypad.

  • When caller needs to transfer to specific location. For example, if assistance is required, press 0.

  • Wait for Key will generally be configured as an IVR-level system check.

  • In situations where a specific queue is open and all others are not, the Wait for Key check is placed before each queue.

  • This function is most often accompanied by a spoken prompt and then whatever call flow options the client requires.



  • Standard system check that is triggered if for some, unplanned reason all agents have logged out of the CCA and the queues are not manned.

  • Fire alarm sounds in the building. Everyone must leave immediately.

  • There is a protocol that power is immediately cut to the building.

  • No agents are logged in to the software.

  • When a call is received during this condition, instead of going to the regular call flow, the No Agents Available message will play and the call will be terminated.

  • No Agents is generally configured as an IVR-level system check.

  • In situations where a specific queue is staffed by unique groups of people, not likely affected the same way as the other queues, the No Agents check is placed before each queue.

  • This function is most often accompanied by a spoken prompt and then whatever call flow options the client requires.



  • In-Queue menu options.

  • This is where caller-selected options while in queue are configured.

  • Client wants to give callers the option to leave a callback.

  • This function will be included in the diagram to configure "Press 1 to leave a callback".

  • Must be preceded by Wait For Agent BF.

  • Is followed by a link out to another function, voicemail, blind transfer, information message, etc.



  • Function that triggers caller to leave a voicemail.

  • The "Beep" and then recording capture.

  • After hours, the client decides to ask callers to leave a voicemail for follow-up the next day.

  • A prompt is be recorded with instructions to leave a voicemail.

  • Caller hears the beep and leaves a message.

  • Preceded by a spoken prompt or menu.

  • Followed by "terminate" function.



  • Final step in the Callback Template.

  • This function triggers the callback to be registered in the database and queued for action by an agent.

  • Already in designer callback template, but if you need to re-create the function for any reason, this function must be part of the design.

  • Callback flow only.



  • Function that will send a caller out of the IVR to a specific phone number.

  • If no agents are logged in, a client has a third party that takes their calls for disaster recovery purposes.

  • When the IVR detects that no agents are logged in it will send the caller to the third party for assistance.

  • Allows for recordings for blind transfers from the IVR.

  • Generally used with system checks, following a prompt, or menu selection.


Table 3 lists all advanced BF names and icons, along with their definition, use case, and when they are most commonly used.

Table 3: Advanced Business Functions




Use Case

Most Commonly Used




Use Case

Most Commonly Used


  • Sets the value of a variable.

  • Allows you to use the variable value as a property value of another BF to change the call flow.

  • Use to assign values to variables using multiple sources.

  • Set variable source can be a literal value, language, day of the week, queue name or full name, a value from another variable, an expression, or the result of executing a predefined function (see Section 2.4.23 for further information).

  • For expressions, complex mathematical formulas or boolean expressions may be set in expressions variable types using literal, environmental, or other variable values as parts of the forumla or expression (select from the Dynamic Expressions Library Class found here).

  • For Expressions where the variable would be = to an environment variable by path i.e. Environment.=CurrentQueue.WaitingTime

  • Set the value of a variable from the array data located in the Web Service Call (see Web Service Call Business Function for more information).

  • And case where the design needs to take intrinsic (anything in the Environment variable section) or extrinsically gleaned information (user input, Web Service call returns) or static values to be used for logic condition/action in IVR designs

  • Standard system check that is triggered when a variable value is compared with a set defined value using an operator (e.g. =, <,>, etc.).

  • When a variable is compared to a set value.

  • For example, when the caller needs to wait in the queue for a specified amount of time.

  • Variable can be equal to (=), not equal to (≠), less than (<), less than or equal to (≤), greater than (>), or greater than or equal to (≥) a set value.

  • Conditional will generally be configured as an IVR-level system check.

  • This function is most often accompanied by a spoken prompt and then whatever call flow options the client requires.

  • Standard system check that is triggered when a variable value is compared with a range of values.

  • Compared values can either be literal or day of week.

  • When a variable is compared to a range of values. Both literal comparisons and comparisons between days of the week can be made.

  • For example, when the caller needs to wait in the queue for a specified amount of time, wait time is between the specified range (e.g. between 3-5 minute)

  • Range Conditional will generally be configured as an IVR-level system check.

  • This function is most often accompanied by a spoken prompt and then whatever call flow options the client requires.

  • Places a spoken phrase (text to speech) in the call flow.

  • Allows defining variables for each of the parameters of the phrase.

  • Allows the ability to speak the values stored in variables as part of the phrase.

  • Plays values to the caller.

  • Client wants to inform the caller about something, through a spoken message (e.g. inform callers about the length of time they will be waiting in the current queue).

  • Use to place the informative message in the flow.

  • Can be used as an alternative to prerecorded prompts.

  • Anywhere inside a queue within the flow. There is no limit to the number of speak phrases that can be added to a call flow.

  • Allows binding of phrases to variables.

  • This BF does not attach to any other BF, it sits off to the side, because the call doesn't flow directly through it.

  • Bind phrases are bound to phrases whenever the corresponding BF is used in your call flow.

  • Use phrases containing variables in place of pre-recorded prompts.

  • May reference Environment variables. i.e. Expressions where the variable would be = to an environment variable by path i.e. Environment.=CurrentQueue.WaitingTime

  • Use the value of a variable to play as prompt, file, integer, ordinal, money, date, time, or text (TTS).

  • Can be Used in combination with Set Variable.

  • Use in combination with MenuSpeak Phrase, and Wait For Agent

  • This is where the wait time in queue is calculated and stored to a variable.

  • Wait time is not an inherent intrinsic value that is static for a call, therefore the calculated value needs to be introduced at the time of the call.

  • Used in conjunction with the Conditional and Speak Phrase BFs to inform callers of queue wait time.

  • While callers are in queue, they will hear a message.

  • Message can specify what the wait time is in minutes or if the wait time is less than one minute.

  • For example, you can introduce the Wait Time to calculate the wait time value and then deposit that value to a variable, you can then use Conditions to make treatment decisions, and Speak Phrase to speak it. (note - you may also reference the "WaitingTime" environment variable directly in an expression - i.e. =Environment.CurrentQueue.WaitingTime

  • Use for each queue so the caller knows approximately how long the queue wait time will be.

  • This function only applies to the queue it is set for, therefore ensure it is used for each queue of each call flow in your design

  • Use to make a call flow decision in conjunction with conditional or conditional range.

  • checks the "Geo routing" ruleset for the "key" and returns the selected queue OR the transfer destination if found

  • Used for dynamic rules based routing where if you knew a data value (i.e. incoming caller ID, dialed number, zip code, account number, account status etc etc) about your caller, you may insert this business function to query the "geo Routing" rules and receive a queue ID to select OR a transfer destination

  • Used in conjunction with Set Variable to use the value in the Set Variable as the "Key" to search by

  • Used in conjunction with Set Property to set "Queue ID" of a "Select Queue" Business Function or to set the "Phone Number"  of a "Transfer" Business Function

  • NOTE - This Business Function accesses the same Geo routing Rules table as the "Rules Based Transfer" Business Function with limited functionality. You may prefer to use the Rules Based Transfer Business Function instead of the Geo Routing Business Function for more advanced use of the Geo routing rules table

  • Automatically checks database for the appropriate geo-routing rule.

  • Right terminal: path followed if no geo-routing rules are found; directed to the Select Queue or Menu BF.

  • Bottom terminal: path followed if geo-routing rule is found; routed to the appropriate queue.

  • These instructions correspond to Geo-routing configuration in the Admin Portal.

  • Can be placed near the beginning of the IVR, after the initial Welcome message and prompt are played

  • Distribute calls based on caller location.

  • Route calls to various queues, to avoid all call coming into one queue.

  • Use around the time in your design where the caller would select a queue.

  • Preceded by a welcome prompt and/or spoken prompt.

  • Followed by Wait Time In Queue, Select Queue, and/or Menu.

  • If a caller's ANI matches the NPA or NPA/NXX combo ruleset stored in the database, the caller is routed directly to the Wait Time In Queue; this notifies the caller of what the wait time is before an Agent receives the call.

  • If there is no match between a caller's ANI and a geo-routing ruleset, the call can be routed to a default queue (Select Queue).

  • If there is no match between a caller's ANI and a geo-routing ruleset, the call can be routed to a menu where the caller can select which queue to proceed to. This will lead to multiple call flow branches which allow you to define unique treatments in each branch.

  • Representational State Transfer (REST) Web Service API.

  • Manipulate XML (Extensible Markup Language) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) representations of Web resources using a uniform set of stateless operations.

  • Use to access data from or send data to an external source.

  • Supports: REST Web Services integration standard methods (GETPUTPOSTDELETE) with parameter configuration in POSITIONALQUERY FORM, or BODY FORM and supports XML and JSON responses to exchange and retrieve information from resources or collections of resources over the network.

  • The following is an example of a "GET" API URL and the positional parameter noted in the "{ID} variable:

    URL = https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/
    Positional Parameter = 3
    URL + Positional Parameter = https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/3

  • Set variable source can be a literal value, language, day of the week, queue name or full name, a value from another variable, an expression, or the result of executing a predefined function, (see Section 2.4.23 for further information).

  • Use to GET (retrieve) information.

  • Use PUT (replace) information

  • Use to POST (create) information

  • Use to DELETE information.

  • Extract targeted data from the Response and place the individual values into variables. Use the Set Variable BF as an expression type to inspect the Result variable and select the item you wish to put into its own variable.

  • Set values in and controls other BFs featured on your canvas

  • Define target of a BF that you want to set properties for

  • Anywhere in the flow preceding the BF it controls (e.g. before Preferred Agent Info set to a reference variable, or precedes Blind Transfer set to a agent phone number)

  • Set a point in your IVR design to log a peg count of a checkpoint

  • To collect peg counts of traffic through points in your IVR for reporting purposes

  • For generating reporting of traffic through specific points in your IVR

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Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
* Find Release Notes here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/app/articles/detail/a_id/23378/) and articles here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/app/main).
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