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Evaluations Tab Summary evaluation box
This box summarizes the details of an evaluation selected from the Evaluations page.
a. Evaluation for: The name of the Agent for whom the evaluation is made.
For external evaluations, it is the name of an Agent or of an object for which the evaluation is made.
b. Evaluation on: Shows the source on which the evaluation is based, the sentiment analysis score, and the date the evaluation was first created.
c. Customer: The name of the client with whom the Agent interacted.
d. Evaluation action menu: Choose whether to view the evaluation, evaluate it, create a new one for this same Agent, type, date, and customer, or delete it.
Note: If there are several Agents attached to the call, you can create a new evaluation for each of the Agents involved.
TIP: When you delete an evaluation, a message pops up at the top of the screen for a few seconds to allow you to restore the deleted evaluation.
○ Individuals with a Role = Administrator can delete evaluations.
○ All other individuals can ONLY delete an evaluation if they are its evaluator. In other words, an evaluator can only delete those evaluations to which they are assigned.
○ Evaluations that are in collaboration CANNOT be deleted. Up until that point, evaluations can be deleted.
○ Completed evaluations CANNOT be deleted.
e. Agents on call: Indicates the number of Agents that interacted with the customer. Click the down arrow to see the names of the participating Agents.
f. Classification: Shows different classifications granted to the evaluation.
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Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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