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Automation Rules

Automation Rules allow you to create an evaluation schedule that you can assign to select members of your quality assurance team (Evaluator users) in order to perform a number of evaluations across time interval options with varying filter options.

The Evaluator user will then receive email notifications of the evaluation assignments and see a live list of evaluations assigned to them, which they can filter by schedule name.

  • All active rules will show an Active status, and all paused rules will show a Paused status.

  • You can sort the rules by Name.

  • To Pause, Edit, or Remove a rule, click the at the end of the rule’s row you want to pause, edit, or remove.

  • To Activate, Edit, or Remove a rule, click the at the end of the rule’s row you want to pause, edit, or remove

    Note: You cannot activate an Automation Rule passed the time scheduled for it to run. For example, if you schedule a rule to run once at 10:00pm, you pause it and activate it it anytime before 10:00pm, but you cannot pause it and activate it past 10:00pm


Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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