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Viewing and acknowledging an existing evaluation
The evaluations you can see vary depending on whether you are an Agent or an Evaluator.
If you are an Agent, you can see only those evaluations assigned to you and either in collaboration or completed.
If you are the Evaluator, you can view those evaluations where you are the current evaluator or you have completed.
As an Evaluator, you can also view evaluations where you are NOT the assigned evaluator, based on the following roles:
Team leader: All of your team's evaluations.
Office manager, Call center manager, Administrator, System administrator: All of your company's evaluations.
You cannot change any completed evaluations. You also cannot change any of the answers already given to an In Progress evaluation, but you can complete it.
The screenshots below show examples of viewing different evaluations.
In Progress
At every step of an evaluation process, the Agent being evaluated and the Evaluator receive notifications for every action the other takes:
When starting a collaboration
When finishing reviewing
When completing the evaluation
When acknowledging the evaluation after the evaluation is complete.
For more information, see Collaboration and Acknowledgement.
Once an evaluation is complete (whether because the collaboration is not started or is ended by the evaluator), the Agent will be able to acknowledge the evaluation and agree or disagree with comments.
Regardless of the acknowledgement outcome, the evaluation is still complete and logged as an official score.
The following is an example of the type of email an Agent receives after their evaluation is complete.
Completed — Passed
Completed — Failed
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Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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