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Open a Session

This method must be called to start a client session. A client application must invoke this method to obtain a session ID before making any other API calls.
The method validates the provided user credentials (account ID, username, and password) and returns an object of type OpenAPISessionResponse containing information about the transaction, including a session ID if successful.
Sessions use a sliding expiration policy, which will expire after 20 minutes of inactivity. The expiration date is reset whenever any other method that accesses the session is processed.
It is strongly recommended that client applications invoke CloseAPISession to close a session that is no longer needed. For security reasons, it is better to close the session explicitly rather than waiting for the session to expire.
OpenAPISessionResponse OpenAPISession(string accountId, string username, string password)
accountId ID of the account the user belongs to
usernameUsername of the user
passwordPassword of the user
int ErrorCode
string Description
string SessionId
Sample code (C#):
RealTimeDataClient rdc = new RealTimeDataClient();
OpenAPISessionResponse oapi = rdc.OpenAPISession("accountid", "username", "password");
int errorCode = oapi.ErrorCode;
string description = oapi.Description;
string sessionId = oapi.SessionId;

Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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