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Retrieve Current IVR Statistics
This method returns a table containing the statistics of each active IVR.
GetIvrStatisticsResponse GetIvrStatistics(string sessionId)
sessionIdId of the session previously opened
Int32 ErrorCode
String Description
DataTable IvrStatistics
Sample code (C#):
RealTimeDataClient rdc = new RealTimeDataClient();
GetIvrStatisticsResponse isr = rdc.GetIvrStatistics(sessionId);
int errorCode = isr.ErrorCode;
string description = isr.Description;
DataTable ivrStatistics = isr.IvrStatistics;
The IvrStatistics table contains the following columns:
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
IvrName | string | IVR name. |
TotalCallsQueued | int | Total of calls queued since 00:00 am until this moment. |
TotalCallsTransferred | int | Total of calls transferred since 00:00 am until this moment. |
TotalCallsAbandoned | int | Total of calls abandoned since 00:00 am until this moment. Abandoned = handled - vm - callback. |
MinQueueWaitingTime | int | Minimum waiting time: Minimum time the callers waited in queue. |
MaxQueueWaitingTime | int | Maximum waiting time: Maximum time the callers waited in queue. |
AvgQueueWaitingTime | int | Average of time the callers have been waiting in queue. |
MinTalkingTime | int | Minimum talking time: Minimum duration of the conversations. |
MaxTalkingTime | int | Maximum talking time: Maximum duration of the conversations. |
AvgTalkingTime | int | Average talking time: Average duration of the conversations. |
ServiceLevel | float | Service level for this IVR. |
TotalVoicemails | int | Total of voicemails left in the IVR. |
AnswerRate | float | Percentage of calls answered. |
AbandonRate | float | Percentage of calls abandoned. |
CallbacksRegistered | int | Number of callbacks registered. |
CallbacksAnswered | int | Number of callbacks answered. |
CallbacksNotAnswered | int | Number of callbacks not answered. |
CallbacksWaiting | int | Number of callbacks waiting in queue. |
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