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Dynamic Notifications API
The Outbound Notifications Campaigns (ONC) service allows external applications to register outbound notification campaigns within the system.
An outbound notification is nothing but a request to send a message to a target destination. The message could be delivered using 3 different methods: SMS, Voice Call, and email. In most cases the message is delivered using only one method (for example SMS) but it is possible to use two or all methods available to send the message. The recipient will simply receive the message from that many sources.
Name | Description |
OpenAPISession | Opens a new API session |
CloseAPISession | Closes an existing API session |
GetCampaignListing | Returns a list containing the IDs of the active campaigns |
GetCampaigns | Returns a list containing the active campaigns |
AddCampaign | Adds a new campaign |
GetCampaign | Returns general information about one campaign |
UpdateCampaign | Updates general information about one campaign |
DeleteCampaign | Deletes a campaign |
GetCampaignContactsListing | Returns a list containing the IDs of all contacts within a campaign |
GetCampaignContacts | Returns a list containing all contacts within a campaign |
AddCampaignContact | Adds a contact to a campaign |
UpdateCampaignContact | Updates a contact within a campaign |
DeleteCampaignContact | Deletes a contact from a campaign |
OpenAPISession Method
This method verifies the access credentials. If the credentials are valid a new API session is opened, otherwise an error code is returned.
The method must be invoked prior to any other method within the service. A session will expire after 20 minutes of inactivity, it is strongly recommended to close session explicitly by using the CloseAPISession method.
Method Signature:
OpenAPISessionResponse OpenAPISession(string accountId, string username, string password);
Parameter Name | Description |
accountId | Id of the account |
username | Username of the user account being authenticated |
password | Password of the user account being authenticated |
The method returns an object of type "OpenAPISessionResponse" that contains the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code describing the outcome of the operation (0 = Success) |
Description | String | Message describing the error condition if applicable |
SessionId | String | ID of the API session that was created (if successful, Empty otherwise). |
CloseAPISession Method
This method closes an existing API session.
Method Signature:
CloseAPISessionResponse CloseAPISession(string sessionId);
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
The method returns an object of type "CloseAPISessionResponse" that contains the following fields:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code describing the outcome of the operation (0 = Success) |
Description | String | Message describing the error condition if applicable |
Retrieving the active campaigns listing
This method returns a list containing the ID of all active campaigns.
Method Signature:
List<Guid> GetCampaignListing(string sessionId);
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
The method returns a list containing the ID (global unique identifier) of each active campaign.
The list will be empty if no campaign is active.
The list will be null if there is an error while processing the request.
Retrieving the active campaigns
This method returns a list containing general information about all active campaigns.
Method Signature:
List<OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo> GetCampaigns(string sessionId)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
The method returns a list containing objects of type "OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo".
The list will be empty if no active campaign is found.
The list will be null if there is an error while processing the request.
The OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo data type contains the following fields or properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ID | Guid | ID of the campaign (global unique identifier) |
CreationDateUtc | DateTime | Date and time the campaign was created (UTC) |
ShortName | String | Name of the campaign |
Description | String | Comments or description about the campaign |
IsPaused | Boolean | Determines whether the campaign's execution is paused or not |
ActiveFromDate | Date | Date the campaign is to start executing |
ActiveFromTime | Time | Time the campaign is to start executing on daily basis |
ActiveToDate | Date | Date the campaign is to end executing |
ActiveToTime | Time | Time the campaign is to end executing on daily basis |
OutboundSMSNotificationInfo | Custom | Encapsulates information to be used when delivering messages over SMS (see below for more details) |
OutboundVoiceNotificationInfo | Custom | Encapsulates information to be used when delivering messages over voice (see below for more details) |
OutboundEmailNotificationInfo | Custom | Encapsulates information to be used when delivering messages over email (see below for more details) |
AllowAddingContactsFromExternalApps | Boolean | Determines whether agents can add contacts to the campaign or not (via CCA application) |
SmsNotificationRequired | Boolean | Determines whether message delivery over SMS is mandatory when trying to add a contact via external application (such as CCA). |
VoiceNotificationRequired | Boolean | Determines whether message delivery over voice is mandatory when trying to add a contact via external application (such as CCA). |
EmailNotificationRequired | Boolean | Determines whether message delivery over email is mandatory when trying to add a contact via external application (such as CCA). |
ProgressWSEndpoint | String | A url the service can use as progress indicator |
The OutboundSMSNotificationInfo data type contains the following fields or properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines whether the message delivery over SMS is enabled or not |
FromNumber | String | Origination number contacts will see when receiving a message |
TextToSend | String | Text to be sent to the contacts (unless otherwise specified at the contact level) |
The OutboundVoiceNotificationInfo data type contains the following fields or properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines whether the message delivery over voice is enabled or not |
DialMsTimeout | Integer | Number of milliseconds to wait for an answer when dialing a target destination |
CallingName | String | Origination name to be used when dialing a target destination |
CallingNumber | String | Origination number to be used when dialing a target destination |
TextToSpeak | String | Text to be spoken to the contact (unless otherwise specified at the contact level) |
TTSVoiceName | String | Name of the voice to be used when speaking the message (this dictates the language as well) |
MaxTextPlays | Integer | Maximum number of times the message is to be played after the call is answered |
MaxDeliveryRetries | Integer | Maximum number of attempts to be made in order to deliver the message |
RetryMinutesInterval | Integer | Minimum number of minutes to wait before attempting to deliver the message after a previous attempt has been made |
The OutboundEmailNotificationInfo data type contains the following fields or properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Determines whether the message delivery over Email is enabled or not |
FromEmail | String | Origination email address (to be used as sender) |
Subject | String | Text to be shown in the email's subject line |
HtmlContent | String | Html text to be used as the email's body (unless otherwise specified at the contact level) |
Adding a campaign
This method adds a new campaign.
Method Signature:
int AddCampaign(string sessionId, OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo campaign)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaign | General information about the campaign being added |
The method returns an error code indicating whether the request was processed successfully (zero) or unsuccessfully (a number different than zero).
Retrieving a campaign
This method retrieves general information about a specific campaign.
Method Signature:
OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo GetCampaign(string sessionId, Guid campaignId)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaignId | ID of the campaign to be retrieved |
The method returns null if the specified campaign ID is not valid, otherwise it returns an object of type OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo containing general information about the campaign.
Updating a campaign
This method updates general information about a specific campaign.
Method Signature:
int UpdateCampaign(string sessionId, OutboundNotificationCampaignInfo campaign)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaign | General information about the campaign being updated |
The method returns an error code indicating whether the request was processed successfully (zero) or unsuccessfully (a number different than zero).
Deleting a campaign
This method deletes a specific campaign.
Method Signature:
int DeleteCampaign(string sessionId, Guid campaignId)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaignId | ID of the campaign to be deleted |
The method returns an error code indicating whether the request was processed successfully (zero) or unsuccessfully (a number different than zero).
Retrieving the list of contacts within a campaign
This method returns a list containing the IDs of all contacts within a campaign.
Method Signature:
List<Guid> GetCampaignContactsListing(string sessionId, Guid campaignId)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaignId | ID of the target campaign |
The method returns a list containing the ID (global unique identifier) of each active campaign.
The list will be empty if no campaign is active.
The list will be null if there is an error while processing the request.
Retrieving the contacts within a campaign
This method returns a list containing the information about all contacts within a campaign.
Method Signature:
List<OutboundNotificationContactInfo> GetCampaignContacts(string sessionId, Guid campaignId)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaignId | ID of the target campaign |
The method returns a list containing objects of type "OutboundNotificationContactInfo".
The list will be empty if no active campaign is found.
The list will be null if there is an error while processing the request.
The OutboundNotificationContactInfo data type contains the following fields or properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid | ID of the contact |
CampaignId | Guid | Id of the campaign the contact belongs to |
SMSCommInfo | Custom | Communication information specific to SMS delivery |
VoiceCommInfo | Custom | Communication information specific to voice delivery |
EmailCommInfo | Custom | Communication information specific to email delivery |
SMSCommInfo, VoiceCommInfo and EmailCommInfo are of type CommunicationInfo. This data type contains the following fields or properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Destination | String | Destination (phone number or email address) to be contacted |
TextToSendOverwrite | String | Text to be sent (if blank, the system will use the corresponding text defined at the campaign level) |
StatusCode | Integer | Status (do not try = 0; pending = 1; sending = 2; delivering = 3; success = 4; waiting for retry = 5; permanent failure = 6; cancelled = 7) |
LastDeliveryErrorCode | Integer | A numeric code describing the result of the previous delivery attempt (zero means successful) |
RetryCount | Integer | Number of attempts left (value must be between 0...255) |
Adding a contact to a campaign
This method adds a contact to a campaign.
Method Signature:
int AddCampaignContact(string sessionId, OutboundNotificationContactInfo contact)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
contact | The contact's information being added |
- The value specified in the StatusCode is always ignored when adding contacts.
- The StatusCode code will be set to 0 if the value of the Destination field is blank, otherwise it will set to 1.
- The LastDeliveryError will also be ignored when adding contacts
The method returns an error code indicating whether the request was processed successfully (zero) or unsuccessfully (a number different than zero).
Updating a contact within a campaign
This method updates a contact within a campaign.
Method Signature:
int UpdateCampaignContact(string sessionId, OutboundNotificationContactInfo contact)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
contact | The contact's information being updated |
- Restrictions may apply on some fields such as StatusCode, and LastDeliveryError (those will be ignored when updating the contact's information)
The method returns an error code indicating whether the request was processed successfully (zero) or unsuccessfully (a number different than zero).
Deleting a contact from a campaign
This method deletes a contact from a campaign.
Method Signature:
int DeleteCampaignContact(string sessionId, Guid campaignId, Guid contactId)
Parameter Name | Description |
sessionId | ID of the session opened by invoking OpenAPISession method |
campaignId | ID of the campaign the target contact belongs to |
contactId | ID of the contact being deleted |
The method returns an error code indicating whether the request was processed successfully (zero) or unsuccessfully (a number different than zero).
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