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API Basics
The API is exposed over an http interface. This means that external applications would be sending web requests to the CCA application just as they would be sending web requests to any other web server.
Because CCA behaves as a "web server" external applications would be sending requests to "localhost" (if running side-by-side CCA) or to the user's PC hostname or ip address if running remotely.
The http interface is opened as soon as the user signs in. It is closed when the user signs out or the CCA application is closed.
Requests must be sent as http POST. Parameters must be passed via query string unless otherwise specified in the documentation.
There is one specific URI for each method (URls are all case insensitive).
All methods return a response in json format. The response contains an error code (describing whether the method was executed successfully or not). A brief description is also included.
Error code 0 means "success". Any other error number means the method execution failed.
In addition, all methods will return HTTP error code 200 if the request is handled successfully. Otherwise they will return one specific error (for example 403).
Here is a sample json response for a successful request:
{"errorCode": 0, "errorDesc": ""}
Here is a sample json response for an unsuccessful request:
{"errorCode": 52004, "errorDesc": "Access Denied"}
Related content
Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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