DNIS Overview

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* Find Release Notes here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/app/articles/detail/a_id/23378/) and articles here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/app/main).
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DNIS Overview

The DNIS Overview is a summary of call results for all calls that reached the IVR. It includes pre-queue results such as after hours calls, as well as queue statistics.

This report is sorted by queue, including No-queue selected, which applies to calls that reached the IVR but did not reach a queue select. These are calls that ended prior to reaching a queue.


  • From: Start date; can include date and time in the format 06/30/2020 09:00

  • To: End date; can include date and time in the format 06/30/2020 17:00

  • Abandon Secs: The minimum wait time to be included in the report. If this is set to 30 seconds, all calls that wait 29 seconds or less are excluded from the report.

  • DNIS: A list of all DNIS.

  • Queues: A list of all queues including queue groups, if created.

  • Include non-active queue: Adds all deleted queues to the list.

  • Send To: Emails report in PDF format to any address entered here.


  • Non-Queued: The total number of calls that reached the IVR, but did not reach the queue. If this is listed under No-Queue Selected, no selected queue was reached. If it is a count for a queue, it means that the number of calls indicated reached a selected queue; thus the system identified the queue, but the call still did not actually reach the queue.

  • After Hours: Calls that reached the After Hours check and were sent down the Closed path of the IVR.

  • No Agents: Calls that reached the No Agents check and were sent down the No Agent path of the IVR. This could mean that the queue had no Agents logged into it, or it could mean that the queue had Agents logged in who were not available, depending on the IVR’s configuration.

  • Bulletin: The number of calls that reached an active Bulletin.

  • Queue: The number of calls that reached a queue.

  • Calls Answered: The number of calls that were answered live.

  • Total Voicemails: The number of calls that successfully left a voicemail after queueing. This number includes calls that were forced to voicemail via Forced Dequeuing

  • Callbacks Registered: The number of calls that successfully registered a callback. This includes callbacks that register and expire due to attempts or time, as well as callbacks that are successfully returned. This number includes calls that were forced to callback via Forced Dequeuing

  • Callbacks Returned: This is the number of callbacks that were successfully returned by an Agent.

  • Calls Abandoned: This is the number of calls that ended while in queue without reaching an Agent, callback, or voicemail. It does not include calls that were forced dequeued.

  • Forced Dequeued: Forced Dequeued calls are calls that are removed automatically from the queue after a certain period, as configured in the queue settings. What happens to these calls is determined by the IVR’s configuration. They can lead to voicemail, callbacks, or be terminated. This metric counts the number of calls that are forced dequeued.

  • Routed: The total of Calls Answered + Total Voicemails + Callbacks Registered.

  • Wait Times: Wait times includes all queued calls. The time starts when a call is queued and ends when a call leaves the queue either by being answered or dequeuing (caller’s choice or forced) to voicemail or callback.  It does not include the time a registered callback waits to be returned.

  • Min Wait Time: The minimum amount of time a call waited in queue during the time frame of the report.

  • Max Wait Time: The maximum amount of time a call waited in queue during the time frame of the report. It’s the amount of time the caller that waited the longest waited.

  • Avg Wait Time: The average amount of time callers waited in this queue.

  • Avg Aband Wait Time: The average wait time for abandoned calls only.

  • Avg Talk Time: The average amount of time that an Agent was On Call with a caller from this queue. It does not include voicemails. It does include any talk time spend on callbacks. Calculated from the total talk time divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Avg Wrap Time: The average amount of time an Agent was in the Wrap-up status after calls from this queue. It does not include voicemails. It does include any Wrap-Up time spent on callbacks. Calculated from the total Wrap Up Time divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Avg ACW Time: The average amount of time an Agent was in the After-Call Work status after calls from this queue. It does not include voicemails. It does include any After-Call Work time spent on callbacks. Calculated from the total After-Call Work time divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Avg Handle Time: The average amount of time an Agent spent in Talk Time, Wrap Time, and ACW Time. Calculated from the total time spend in these statuses, where applicable, divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Abandoned Rate: The percentage of calls that were abandoned. Calculated from the total number of abandoned calls divided by the number of queued calls multiplied by 100.

  • Service Level: The percentage of calls answered within the Acceptable Waiting Time (AWT). Calculated from the number of calls answered within the AWT divided by the total number of calls queued, but excludes any calls that were abandoned in less time than the AWT. These abandoned calls cannot be counted positively because they were not answered, but should not be counted negatively because they did not wait beyond the AWT; therefore, they are stricken from the formula.

  • Quick Abandon Count: The number of calls that were abandoned in less than 30 seconds.

  • Adjusted Abandoned Rate: The percentage of abandoned calls that waited at least 30 seconds.


  • DNIS: The number dialed by the caller.

  • Queue Name: The queue that the caller entered or attempted to enter.

  • Total Not Queued Queue Open: The total number of calls that reached the IVR but did not reach the queue. If this is listed under No-Queue Selected, no selected queue was reached. If it is a count for a queue, it means that the number of calls indicated reached the selected queue; thus the system identified the queue, but the call still did not actually reach the queue.

  • Total After Hours: Calls that reached the After Hours check and were sent down the Closed path of the IVR.

  • Total No Agents: Calls that reached the No Agents check and were sent down the No Agent path of the IVR. This could mean that the queue had no Agents logged into it, or it could mean that the queue had Agents logged in who were not available, depending on the IVR’s configuration.

  • Total Bulletin: The number of calls that reached an active Bulletin.

  • Total Calls Queued: The number of calls that reached a queue.

  • Total Live Answered Calls: The number of calls that were answered live.

  • Total Voicemails: The number of calls that successfully left a voicemail after queueing. This number includes calls that were forced to voicemail via Forced Dequeuing

  • Total Callbacks Registered: The number of calls that successfully registered a callback. This includes callbacks that register and expire due to attempts or time, as well as callbacks that are successfully returned. This number includes calls that were forced to callback via Forced Dequeuing

  • Total Callbacks Returned: The number of callbacks that were successfully returned by an Agent.

  • Total Calls Abandoned: The number of calls that ended while in queue without reaching an Agent, callback, or voicemail. It does not include calls that were forced dequeued.

  • Total Forced Dequeued: Forced Dequeued calls are calls that are removed automatically from the queue after a certain period, as configured in the queue settings. What happens to these calls is determined by the IVR’s configuration. They can lead to voicemail, callbacks, or be terminated. This metric counts the number of calls that are forced dequeued.

  • Total Calls Routed: The total of Calls Answered + Total Voicemails + Callbacks Registered.

  • Wait Times: Wait times includes all queued calls. The time starts when a call is queued and ends when a call leaves the queue either by being answered or dequeuing (caller’s choice or forced) to voicemail or callback.  It does not include the time a registered callback waits to be returned.

  • Min Secs Waiting: The minimum amount of time a call waited in queue during the time frame of the report.

  • Max Secs Waiting: The maximum amount of time a call waited in queue during the time frame of the report. It is the amount of time the caller that waited the longest waited.

  • Avg Secs Waiting: The average amount of time callers waited in this queue.

  • Avg Secs Waiting Abandoned: The average wait time for abandoned calls only.

  • Avg Talk Time: The average amount of time that an Agent was On call with a caller from this queue. It does not include voicemails. It does include any talk time spent on callbacks. Calculated from the total talk time divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Avg Wrap Time: The average amount of time an Agent was in the Wrap-up status after calls from this queue. It does not include voicemails. It does include any Wrap-Up time spent on callbacks. It is the total Wrap-Up time divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Avg ACW Time: The average amount of time an Agent was in the After-Call Work status after calls from this queue. It does not include voicemails. It does include any After-Call Work time spent on callbacks. It is the total After-Call Work time divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Total ACW Time: The total time spent in After-Call Work.

  • Avg Handle Time: The average amount of time an Agent spent in Talk Time, Wrap Time, and ACW Time. Calculated from the total time spend in these statuses, where applicable, divided by the number of Calls Answered + Callbacks Returned.

  • Abandoned Rate: The percentage of calls that were abandoned. Calculated from the total number of abandoned calls divided by the number of queued calls multiplied by 100.

  • Service Level: The percentage of calls answered within the Acceptable Waiting Time (AWT). Calculated from the number of calls answered within the AWT divided by the total number of calls queued, but excludes any calls that were abandoned in less time than the AWT. These abandoned calls cannot be counted positively because they were not answered, but should not be counted negatively because they did not wait beyond the AWT; therefore, they are stricken from the formula.

  • Quick Abandon Count: The number of calls that were abandoned in less than 30 seconds.

  • Adjusted Abandoned Rate: The percentage of abandoned calls that waited at least 30 seconds.

  • Total Secs Waiting: The total amount of time of all callers spent waiting in queue.

  • Total Abandoned Wait Time: The total amount of time callers that were abandoned spent waiting in queue.

  • Total Talk Time: The total amount of time that an Agent spent in the On Call status.

  • Total Wrap-Up: The total amount of time that an Agent spent in the Wrap-Up status

  • Total Handle Time: The Total amount of time that an Agent spent in Talk, Wrap-Up, and After-Call Work, combined.

  • Total Calls Abandoned After AWT: The total number of calls that were abandoned after waiting for the Acceptable Waiting Time or longer.

  • Total Calls Handled Within AWT: The total number of calls that were answered or went to callback or voicemail within the Acceptable Waiting Time.

  • ACW Count: The total number of times that an Agent went to After-Call Work.

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Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
* Find Release Notes here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/app/articles/detail/a_id/23378/) and articles here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/app/main).
* Authenticated Partners can access content here (https://support.mycontactcenter.net/cc/sso/authenticator/oauth/authorize/imcontrolpanel?redirect=main&source=mycontactcenter)