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How do I configure Webchats, and what else can I do with them?

Chat Queue

There are various activities that you need to perform around chat queues. The list below provides the links you need to learn how to perform the various activities.

  • Configuration: You can configure the Chat queue within the Client Administrator. For instructions on how to configure the Chat queue, see Chat Queue Options.

  • Chat Transcripts: You can obtain transcripts of all chat conversations. The transcripts are sent to a specified email address.

  • Chat Sessions: Various tasks are possible around chat sessions. The list below points you to instructions for performing all.

    • Follow the instructions for Starting a chat session.

    • Sometimes, you will need to Join an Active Chat Session. The link explains how.

    • Intermedia Webchat allows you to determine when your customer is actively typing a message so you are not left to wonder whether your customer is currently engaged in the session with you. See what happens when Typing is in Progress During a Chat Session.

    • Spelling mistakes are unavoidable. Learn about the Chat Spell Check feature.

    • Unlike the case with calls, you can engage in multiple active chats (up to 10). Here is how to Accept Multiple Chats.
      NOTE: To configure the maximum number of chat sessions that any one agent can have open at a time, see Team Chat Tab.

    • Sometimes, you need to communicate with your team members and send messages. Here is how to Broadcast a Message to a particular team member or to the entire team.

    • Your customer can initiate a chat session with you from their registered SMS number. See SMS to Chat for instructions on how it happens.

    • In the case of SMS to Chat interactions, you might need to refer to the SMS Interaction History. The link explains how.

  • Chat Recordings: Occasionally, you will need to look for chat recordings, whether it is in order to refer back to a previous conversation, to review given interactions, or other reasons. The link explains how to search for Chat Recordings.

Interactive Chat Response (ICR)

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