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Cloud Storage Settings
Default storage of recordings with Contact Center lasts 30 days; going above the 30 days may result in additional charges (contact your sales representative for more details). You can provide your own cloud storage and have the retention period adjusted to the time interval that better suits your needs.
Once you have completed the setup, follow up with your Sales team to adjust the retention period to the interval you want in the backend. We can set this period to unlimited, if needed.
If we do not adjust the retention period on the backend, the recording will be purged once the number of retention days is reached.
This capability is currently compatible with Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob storage "Hot" services in any region globally where those services are available.
Contact your Service provider to adjust the retention period. Failure to do so will result in the recording being purged at the times specified in the Admin page.
To apply any new retention dates to previous recordings, contact your Support team.
To access Cloud Storage Settings, navigate to Integrations > Cloud Storage Settings.
Under Storage Provider, choose your cloud provider (Amazon or Azure), and provide the required information, as described in the sections that follow.
Contact your service provider for any information you might be missing.
For Amazon S3
The most important information is Region Name, Bucket Name, Access Key, and Access Secret.
Region Name: us-east-1
Bucket Name: Monsters Inc Recordings
Access Secret: “7fVH1ByFNbcDasT1kwYU/j5wa7YlMKL8XOL4mH79a0SRHT9Bm5QBxgMCeX6Rr1ZGjusW/NJYuUh60mM59yxPe==”
Select Enable client side encryption if needed, and click Use Own Storage to store your recordings in your Amazon bucket.
For Microsoft Azure Blob
The most important information is Account Name, Account Key, and Container Name.
Account Name: Monstersinc
Account Key: 7fVH1ByFNbcDasT1kwYU/j5wa7YlMKL8XOL4mH79a0SRHT9Bm5QBxgMCeX6Rr1ZGjusW/NJYuUh60mM59yxPe==
Container Name: Recordings
Select Use https for a secure link.
Select Enable client side encryption if needed, and click Use Own Storage to store your recordings in your Azure Blob.
Server-side and Client-side Encryption
Server-side Encryption
We strongly recommend enabling server-side encryption on your Cloud Storage Service, which is offered by both Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob to keep your recording files secure. With server-side encryption only, the Call Recording file will be decrypted once downloaded from either service by an authenticated user, and a user will be able to listen to it.
Client-side Encryption
By default, the Cloud Contact Center service performs client-side encryption. When enabled, the user will only be able to hear call recordings when accessed via the Cloud Contact Center Admin Portal Recordings search.
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Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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