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ICR General Settings Tab (ICR v1.0 and v2.0)


In 2022, V1.0 will no longer be available.

Unlike a Reactive Chat Queue, which pops up in a separate tab, a Proactive Interactive Chat Response is embedded in a website. To embed the application, you MUST use the given Proactive Chat URL.


For detailed instructions on how to embed the chat application within a website, see Proactive Chat.

Use the General Settings tab to set up a Proactive Interactive Chat Response.

To access the General Settings tab

  • Edit an existing ICR as described in Editing an Interactive Chat Response.

    • For V1.0, the page appears as shown below:


      In 2022, this version will no longer be available.

    • For V2.0, the page appears as shown below:

      This tab has the following elements:
      • Proactive Chat URL: Embed this link into the website from which you want to launch the proactive ICR. If you type the URL into the address bar of any browser, you will access a script used to configure the ICR.



        Use the paramLANG attribute to configure a culture for the ICR. Scroll down to learn more.

      • Launch chat in minimized state: Select the check box if you want the ICR to appear minimized.
      • Launching criteria: Enter the number of seconds the ICR should wait before starting.
      • Update: Click the button to save any changes made.

Configuring a Culture for the ICR

Contact Center administrators configuring an ICR can set up a culture for it by adding the culture to the proactive script (this is the Proactive Chat URL from the ICR General Settings tab).

  • You must modify the script and indicate the culture using the paramLANG attribute, then deploy the script to your website using the <script> html tag.
  • You must also configure the website to pass the culture parameter via the website URL (for example, by adding a language selector to the website that will pull the selected culture to the URL). The URL parameter MUST be formatted like this:
    &lang=de-DE (or other supported culture using the four-letter xx-XX format, for example, en-US)
    &lang=fr (or other supported culture using the two-letter xx format, for example, en)
  • The cultures currently supported are: en-US, en-GB, en-AU, de-DE, nl-NL, it-IT, fr-CA, es-LA, ja-JP
  • If you enter a non-supported culture (for example, ru-RU), the system falls back to the default cultures, which are as follows:
    • pop1 (Virginia), pop6 (Seattle, WA), pop0 (Canada): English-US (en-US)
    • pop2 (London & EMEA), pop3 (Australia): English-GB (en-GB)

    • pop4 (Japan): Currently unavailable. When accounts become active, the fallback language will be Japanese (ja-JP

Exception Use Cases

  • A Contact Center administrator enters an unsupported dialect, but the parent culture is supported: The system falls back to the parent culture.
    For example, a user enters fr-FR as the ICR culture, which is an unsupported dialect. We support French-Canada, and so the system defaults to fr-CA.
  • A Contact Center administrator makes a typo and enters a culture in an unsupported format: For example, ger or ja-j. The system falls back to the default culture of the data center.
    For example, a user enters esp as the ICR culture, which is an unsupported format so the system does not recognize it. Assuming the account is an EMEA account, the system defaults to en-GB.

ICR with Redirect to Chat Queue

  • A Contact Center administrator could build an ICR that includes a link or button that redirects to a chat queue. If a culture has been configured for the ICR, the system passes the ICR culture at the queue redirect.
  • The configured culture defines the language used in the webchat app interface. In other words, messages such as Wait for agent, data collection forms, invite forms, etc., appear to the end user in the language passed by the ICR.


    Currently, cultures affect chat queues only when redirected from ICRs. If an ICR does not redirect to a chat queue, cultures will have no effect on the chat queue. This might change in the future, when integration with chat bots is released.


ICRs do NOT translate text. In order for the ICR pages to display content in the configured language, you MUST enter all button names, messages, etc., already translated into the ICR Diagram. See ICR Diagram for more information about entering ICR page content.

Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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