You can attach voice or music audio files to prompts. The audio files will then play in your IVR.
To upload an audio file for a voice or music prompt:
1. From the Prompts Manager, select the prompt you want to add an audio file to, and then click Upload.
2. In the Upload audio file dialog box that appears, click Browse to find and select the audio file you want to upload. Prompt audio files must be 8-bit mono and in the WAV format.
3. Locate the audio file and click Open.
4. Once you have selected an audio file to upload, the file name appears to the right of the Browse button. Click OK to proceed. The audio file is uploaded for the selected prompt.
Note: The audio file takes a few minutes to upload. A message appears to indicate that the file is being uploaded.
FMI: To listen to the prompt once uploaded, see