Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
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Team Schedules

In the Team Schedules section, you can view your team’s published Daily Schedule and Weekly Schedule for the date selected. All Agents on Team who are scheduled for the day appear in the schedule along with their Start Day and a timed breakdown of the Agent’s schedule for the day. Solid colored cells indicate phone coverage time, other events such as breaks, lunches, vacations, sick days, training, etc., will be shaded lightly and contain the event identifier code. An Agents planned lunch, vacation and events scheduled for the day are displayed in a summary at the top portion of the schedule along with viewing your team’s schedule. You can also request shift trades with other members of your team.

Since July 6, 2023, Atlassian has no longer been used for Release Notes or knowledge base articles.
* Find Release Notes here ( and articles here (
* Authenticated Partners can access content here (