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Before you can create an IVR, there are several items you need to have in place. Use the following checklist to ensure you have gathered all the necessary information.

  1. IVR phone number

  2. Audio files for prompts. The audio files must be WAV format and cannot exceed 3MB. You might need audio files for all or any of the following:

    1. Welcome prompt

    2. Language menu

    3. Menu prompt

    4. After-hours prompt

    5. No agent prompt


FMI: To learn more about IVR Phone numbers and Prompt Files, see the following links.

  • Managing IVR Phone Numbers: Includes subsections that explain how to manage and search for IVR phone numbers. (Managing IVR Phone Numbers )

  • Prompt Files: Includes subsections that explain how to listen to prompts, how to create new prompt version, how to restore a prompt version, and how to edit prompts. (

Prompt Files )

When you are ready to create a new IVR, follow the procedure below.

To create a new IVR:

Click the Create New IVR button.


Menu IVRs are the type of IVR that present menu options to callers, such that the caller chooses the queue where they want to be directed. For example, a caller might be directed to choose a language in which to carry the call, or they might choose the department they need to access (e.g., Sales, Support, etc.).

To create a Menu IVR:

  1. Hover your mouse over the Create IVR button, and select Menu from the list.

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  2. A message appears to let you know of the information you must have already gathered before you can proceed. If ready to proceed, click Continue.

  3. The Edit IVR wizard appears to guide you through the process of building an IVR. Click the following links to jump to the subsections that explain the different screens in the wizard.

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  4. Click Publish when done. You might need to confirm any changes made to the schedule, as shown in the image below. Click Back if you want to apply the new schedule, or click OK, Publish to publish your IVR.

  5. A confirmation message appears when the IVR has been published. Click Back to IVR List to return to the IVR list. Your new IVR will appear in the list.
