When All is To view all resolutions, select All, located at the top of the page. When All is selected, users can addAdd, readRead, cloneClone, and/or delete Delete resolutions.
To create a new Resolution:
- Click Add at the top right of the page.
- The dialog box Add Resolution
- will
- open.
When defining the Resolution, select one of the following options from each section:- Description – The field description field is is used to specify the name of the the Resolution. With this example, the agent will be able to choose choose Case Closed from from the drop-down fieldmenu.
- Requires Notes – This checkbox determines if an agent must enter information in the notes field before Notes before submitting the the classification data. There is no character minimum for notes.
- Flag to supervisor – If this box is checked then all interactions resulting in this resolution will automatically be flagged to the agent's supervisor for review.
- Applies to – These checkboxes determine which events you wish to apply this this Resolution to to.
Note: To quickly create duplicate Resolutions, click Clone to the right of the Resolution you wish to duplicate and a new Resolution with the identical settings will be created. The name of the new type will also be identical except for an asterisk added to the front of the name. To Edit the name, click on it to open the Edit Resolution window.
To delete a Resolution:
- Click Delete, located to the right of the Resolution you wish to delete.
- A Delete Confirmation dialogue box confirmation window to delete the resolution appears.
- Click OK to confirm the delete.
- The Resolution is removed from the list.