To create a new contact for your phonebook:
- Click Add Entry.
- You will see a highlighted entry added with blank fields ready to be populated.
- Complete the following fields:
- Ext. – Enter an extension for the contact if applicable, the extension is not dialed by the CCA. (optional)
- Direct – This will be the number dialed by the CCA, this field is mandatory. Enter a phone number for the contact (minimum of ten digits). It is not necessary to precede long distance phone numbers with a "1".
- Full Name – Enter the contact's First Name in the first field and Last Name in the second field.
- Title – Enter a position or title for the contact. (optional)
- Mailbox – Enter an email address for the contact. (optional)
- Location – Enter a location for the contact. (optional)
- Comments – Enter a comment for the contact. (optional)
- click Update, located to the left of the selected entry, to save you changes.
- The Add Entry dialog box opens.
- Complete all required fields and the desired optional fields (see below for fields defined). Click OK.
- If you attempt to save an entry without a ten-digit phone number in the Direct
- field you will receive the following error at the bottom of the Add Entry dialog box:
- "The Direct phone number must be 10-digits or longer".
- Direct stands for Direct Inward Dial, please ensure at least ten digits are entered for the phone number in the Direct column.