- Run – Displays the selected run option: Monthly.
- Day [x] of every [y] month(s) – Type the day and month you want the report run. For example, "Day 3 of every 2 months" indicates the report will be run the 3rd day of every 2 months (Jan 3rd, March 3rd, May 3rd, etc.).
- The [x] [y] of every [z] month(s) – Type the day of the month and week along with the number of months you wish to wait to run the report. For example, "First Sunday of every 1 month(s)", indicates the report will be run on the first Sunday of every month.
- At – Type the time you want the schedule to run; use the 24hr clock: 00:00 to 24:00.
- Active from – Type the first day you want to start running the report.
- Until – Select and type the last day you want the report to be run.
- Never expires – Select if you want the scheduled report to run indefinitely; the report will only expire if you select Until and schedule a last run date.