Versions Compared


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When you are ready to do an evaluation you must first select which agent and interaction you are going to evaluate. This is done by searching for the recording you would like to evaluate and listening to that recording so you know what you will be evaluating. For more information on how to search for a recording please see the Search for a Recording page and for information on how to listen to the recording, please see the Listen to Audio Recording page or the Read Email and Chat Log Recordings page, depending on which type of interaction you wish to evaluate, Voice or Chat.

For the purposes of this example, we will be evaluating a Voice call. A Chat evaluation would follow the same process, with having chosen a template created for the type of recording.

When you have located the recording that you wish to evaluate, click on the Evaluate link associated with that recording.

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Once you have clicked Evaluate you will be presented with the following screen:

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  • Agent Name - Shows you the name of the agent who is being evaluated.
  • Type - The type of interaction that is being evaluated
  • Date - The date and start time of the interaction
  • Duration - The time that the call lasted, in seconds.

Optionally, you may click on the Image Added icon to receive more information related to the call. Each type of interaction will have different additional information. For this call you can also see the Agent's phone number and the Destination number the agent was calling.

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Now that you have selected the recording you wish to evaluate, select the template you would like to use from the Evaluation Template Selection drop down menu and click Start. You will now be able to see and do the evaluation.

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  • Start Date - Shows the date and time the evaluation was started.
  • Complete Date - Shows the date and time that the evaluation was completed. This will auto-generate once the Complete button has been clicked.
  • Agent Notification Date - Shows the date and time that the notification of the evaluation was sent to the agent. This will auto-generate once the Notify Agent button has been clicked.
  • Acknowledgement Date - Shows the date and time that agent acknowledged their evaluation. This will auto-generate once the agent has acknowledged the evaluation.
  • Total possible points - The total number of points that can possibly be scored on the evaluation
  • Total points scored - Shows the total number of points that have been scored by the agent. This number will update as the evaluation is completed.
  • % scored - The score, as a percentage, that has been achieved on the evaluation. This number will update as the evaluation is completed.
  • Minimum points to pass - The minimum number of points needed to be scored to pass the evaluation.
  • Minimum % to pass - The minimum score, as a percentage, needed to pass the evaluation.
  • Status - Indicates the status of the evaluation. This also applies to the status of each evaluation category. There are 4 status options:
    • Image Added - Something still needs to be completed on the evaluation.
    • Image Added - Indicates a passing mark.
    • Image Added - Indicates a failing mark.
    • Image Added - Indicates an auto-failure.

The green bar indicates the Category name. The questions can be collapsed for easier viewing by pressing the Image Added button or expanded by pressing the Image Added button. Note: The Category bar will change to blue when the question has been collapsed.

As you proceed through the evaluation, the program auto-saves your selections and will reload the page and take you back to the top each time so as to not lose any of your progress.