The Dashboard Settings allow you to change the threshold alert settings for the dashboard for each available filter view.

To view or edit the Dashboard Settings:

  1. Select the Queue or Team filter settings you wish to view or change from the appropriate Filter drop down menu (depending on which settings you want to view/ update).

  2. Next click or .
  3. The Dashboard Settings dialog box opens. The dialog box is comprised of two tabs: Thresholds and Custom Filters.
  4. Click the Thresholds tab to change the threshold alert settings for the dashboard and click the Custom Filters tab to apply custom filter names to the filter list.

Threshold Alert Settings

Threshold Alert Settings are viewed and edited from the Metrics Dashboard page.

Note: Separate buttons exist for Queue Dashboard Settings and Team Dashboard Settings. Select the appropriate button depending on which settings you wish to edit.

To Edit Thresholds:

  1. Click or .
  2. The Dashboard Settings dialog box opens. If not already selected, click the Thresholds tab.

  3. First enter the Red Threshold Values.

  4. Next enter the Green Threshold Values.

  5. Once both red and green values are entered, the Amber Threshold Values are automatically calculated.

  6. Once all threshold values are complete, click OK.

Custom Filters

Custom Filters are updated from the Metrics Dashboard page. Custom filters can be applied to individual queues or groups of queues. 

Note: Separate buttons exist for Queue Dashboard Settings and Team Dashboard Settings. Select the appropriate button depending on which settings you wish to edit.

To add a new custom filter:
  1. Click or .
  2. The Dashboard Settings dialog box opens. 

  3. If not already selected, click the Custom Filters tab. Click Add.

  1. The custom filter appears in the Filter table. Click Close to return to the Metrics Dashboard Home page.

  2. The custom filter now appears in the Inbound Voice Queue(s) or Team(s) drop down menu, depending on where the custom filter was created.

Note: When making changes to a Queue Group to which a custom filter has been applied to previously, always click Deactivate this bulletin in all queues and then re-select the Queue Group to ensure the queue group changes are updated, otherwise the queues assigned to the queue group will not reflect the changes made to the selected queue group.

To edit a new custom filter:
  1. Click or .
  2. The Dashboard Settings dialog box opens. 

  3. If not already selected, click the Custom Filters tab.
  4. Click Edit.

  5. The Edit Custom Filters dialog box opens. Edit the required fields and click OK.

  6. Click Close from the Dashboard Settings dialog box to return to the Dashboard Settings Home page. 
  7. The new custom filter appears in the filter drop down menu. You may experience a 1-2 minute delay before the new filter appears in the drop down menu.