On the General Information tab you can configure settings related to Identification, Caller ID, Default General Settings, and Default In-call Status Timeouts. Settings labeled default will be applied to new agents when they are created. These settings can later be adjusted for each agent on an individual basis.


Caller ID (dial out)

  1. Calling Name/Number – An optional team setting, by selecting a name and number from the drop down menu, representatives can choose this entry for their Caller ID information when dialing out (the name and number that will be seen on the receiving end's call display). If Not Specified is selected, the system-wide setting will be used on the General page of the admin portal. If a Caller ID is not listed, contact support to request an addition. Support will review the request and perform the necessary actions to ensure the new Calling Name/Number shows up in the drop down

    By selecting a name and number here, representatives are choosing this entry as their caller ID information when dialing out (the name and number that will be seen on the receiving end's call display). If left blank, the system-wide setting will be used on the General page of the admin portal.

  2. Configure additional caller IDs – Click this button if you need to configure additional numbers. When the Favorites page appears, select the numbers you want to appear in the Calling Name/Number list, and then click Update.


    For more information about configuring caller IDs, see Additional Caller IDs.

New Agent Settings Settings

If the timeout entry is modified, the effects of that change apply to the call currently being handled by the agent.

Note: Always click Update in the top right corner to save your changes. This will apply each team setting to all the agents within the team (excluding security settings).