For efficiency, you might want to schedule regular evaluations of your agents through the use of automation rules. This section explains how.

To create an Automation Rule:

  1. Navigate to the Evaluator by clicking Tools > Evaluator. Then, click Automation Rules to open the Automation Rules page.

  2. Click Create new rule. The Create new automation rule wizard appears.

The rest of this section explains each of the steps. Click Create at the end of the last step.

1. General

Enter the following information, and then click Go to selection criteria to continue with the next step.

The following boxes are not editable:


FMI: See Templates for more information on evaluation templates.

FMI: See Templates for more information on evaluation templates.

Selection Criteria

Enter the following information, and then click Go to evaluators to continue with the next step.


Enter the following information. Click Go to frequency to continue with the next step.


In order to schedule and select interactions, Automation Rules performs the following calculation: the desired number of interactions X the number of assigned Evaluators – the time duration (i.e., the last time the schedule was run):

Click the option you want: Once, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, and then proceed as instructed.


Enter the time you want the Automation Rule to execute.


Enter whether you want the Automation Rule to be executed every 1 day, every 2 days, and so on, and the time at which you want it to run.


Enter whether you want the Automation Rule to be executed every 1 week, every 2 weeks, and so on. You can select multiple days of the week to run the rule. Also indicate the time at which you want the rule to run.


Enter whether you want the Automation Rule to be executed every 1 month, every 2 months, and so on. You can select whether you want the rule to run on a Specific date of the month (e.g., every 10th day of the month), or whether you want it to run on a Relative day (e.g., every 2nd Monday of the month). Also indicate the time at which you want the rule to run.