This method forces an agent status transition to a valid in-call status.

The execution of this method is not guaranteed to be successful. It will return an error if trying to perform an invalid status transition (for example if trying to transition an agent whose in-call status is currently “On-Call” to something like “Available”). The requested status transition might also fail if the agent is in the process of transitioning to a conflicting state.

Status transitions allowed are as follows:

Previous StatusNew Status
Busy - On CallN/A
Busy - On emailN/A
Busy - ChattingAvailable

Accept Internal Calls
WrapupBusy - On Break

Busy - Other
Busy - On BreakBusy - On Break

Busy - Other


Accept Internal Calls
Busy - OtherBusy On Break

Busy - Other


Accept Internal Calls
Accept Internal CallsAvailable

Busy - On Break

Busy - Other