Introducing, Under certain conditions, you will be able to have webchat & ICR in multiple web browser tabs. For more information, see Webchat in Multiple Tabs Use Cases and ICR in Multiple Tabs Use Cases.



Here is a list of the general rules that will make this feature possible:

For Webchat:

  1. There can be only ONE active chat queue session at a time (associated to one website). If a user opens a site page that triggers a new chat queue session--for example, its webchat is linked to a different chat queue--the system will automatically close the existing session and becomes ready to create a new session.

  2. If opened in one browser, chat sessions from different websites will live independently. For example, a user can simultaneously chat with an Agent from ABC Support and with a different Contact Center team on XYZ’s website.

For ICR:

  1. There can be only ONE active ICR session at a time (associated to one website). If a user opens a site page that triggers a new ICR session, the system will automatically close the existing session and becomes ready to create a new session.

  2. If opened in one browser, ICR sessions from different websites will live independently. For example, a user can simultaneously have an ICR session with ABC Support and with a different Contact Center team on XYZ’s website.

For both:

  1. A chat queue session and an ICR session can live simultaneously within one website if the pages with a webchat and an ICR are opened in multiple tabs. This means that a user can chat with an Agent on a website’s Page 1 and browse ICR pages on that same website’s Page 2, provided the pages are loaded in different tabs. However, if the ICR has a redirect to a chat queue and the user clicks the redirect, the system will ONLY be able to support ONE active chat session.


How do I get this feature?