On the Music on hold tab you can select which music, for an IVR, will be played to callers placed on hold by the agent.

Select one of the music options:

Note: If Use custom music on hold is selected, but no custom audio file is present, an error message appears indicating that no custom file is available. If a second audio file is uploaded, it will overwrite the audio file that was previously uploaded.

To upload music:

  1. Click Details.

  2. In the Description field enter a name for the Custom Music on Hold setting, then select Choose File to upload the audio file. Click OK when done.
    The Current File field indicates which music is currently uploaded as your custom music; if no music is currently selected a message is displayed "No file has been uploaded".

  3. Click Update, located in the top right corner of the page, to save your changes. If Update is not clicked, any new changes made will not be saved.