You can prohibit SMS messages from entering a closed or unattended queue and not send auto reply messages to the client. By not sending an auto reply message, the client will not know whether their SMS message was received or not.

To prevent SMS messages from entering a closed or unattended queue without sending an auto reply message:

  1. Uncheck the Accept SMS even if queue is closed or unattended checkbox.

  2. Uncheck Auto reply for closed queue message and leave the accompanying text box empty.

  3. Uncheck Auto reply for unattended queue message and leave the accompanying text boxy empty.

  4. Click OK.

  5. The Edit SMS dialog box closes.
  6. Any SMS messages sent to closed or unattended queues are logged into the Interaction History, but are not be brought into queue, nor will the client receive an auto reply message indicating the queue is closed or unattended or that the message did not enter the queue.

For further information on SMS to Chat into Closed or Unattended Queues see Related Articles below. 

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